Direction, Art Direction, 3D Design+Animation
Agency: Boys+Girls

I was approached by Boys+Girls in Dublin to work on the brand design for Screen Ireland creating a few pieces that would support their content at various stages including print.

Before we got to the final piece we had an intensive exploratory process where we tried to find the right look and feeling as if all this was happening at a dark cinema room.
Screen Ireland's focus is THE STORY, so we started applying our studies and explorations to a storyline concept where the various screen formats present on the logo align to form a film strip or time-line.

At this stage I started experimenting with motion and rendered a few shots to put together the first rough cut of the full piece. This was an extremely organic process, at this stage we were not even 100% sure how long the final piece was going to be. This is just one of the many iterations until we got to the final one.
We've also created a few assets to sit at the top and tail of clips or footage allowing Screen Ireland to brand any piece of film, television and content.
Print and digital assets were another side of this project that I couldn't have done without the help from Filipe Goulão. We had to deliver hi-res print assets as well as formats for Web and Social.

Check Barry Smith's (brand designer on the project) case study >> here
Direction + Art Direction + 3D Design and Animation
Mário Domingos
Compositing + 2D Animation
Rui Rocha
2D + Print prep.
Sound Design
Boys and Girls
Screen Ireland